WP Inquiries

Contact Us or Contact Form is a basic need for every website. It is not built-in for WordPress. WP Inquiries allow you to have a basic contact form that you can put on any page or widget. It will send an email to admin and record them to the database.

Screenshot 1 of WP Inquiries

My first plugin for WordPress. I built many websites. Some of them are using WordPress. I had a hard time when building a page of Contact Us. There is no plugin perfectly matched into this my basic standard. I installed some plugins then customized them to fit into the standard previously. That was a complex to-do list for simple stuff.

WP Inquiries is awesome. It is compact and perfectly fit our requirement. All you need for a page of Contact Us or Contact Form is there. All inquiries come from your websites will be sending into the admin email then will be recorded. What you need to do is just put the shortcode [wp-inquiries] to any page or widget that you wanted.

Screenshot 2 of WP Inquiries

Make sure there are translations in your native language. Feel free to use WP Inquiries.


I added the REST API feature since v0.2. Here is a little explanation of REST API for you that wondering it.


Name Type Description
id integer The ID of the inquiry.
email string The email of the sender.
name string The name of the sender.
message string The message of the inquiry.
created_at datetime The created date of the inquiry.
deleted_at datetime The deleted date of the inquiry.

Get all inquiries.

GET /wp-json/wp-inquiries/v0/inquiries

Authorization is required.

Argument Description
page_number Current page of the collection.
per_page Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
s Limit results to those matching a string.
orderby Order by. One of created_at, email, name
order Ascending or Descending. One of ASC, DESC

Create a new inquiry.

POST /wp-json/wp-inquiries/v0/inquiries

Authorization is not required. All arguments are required.

Argument Description
email The email of the sender.
name The name of the sender.
message The message from the sender.

Delete an inquiry.

POST, PUT, PATCH /wp-json/wp-inquiries/v0/inquiry/<id>

Authorization is required.

Please note, WP Inquiries is using soft delete, that means the inquiries will be not deleted physically from the database, they only will be hiding on the website or application.

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