Next.js vs Hugo

I talked about Hugo vs Jekyll earlier. In this article, let me talk about the most favorite static website framework in the JavaScript community, Next.js, versus Hugo, a static website framework written in Go. I used both.

This article compared both of them based on my experience. So, maybe I missed something. Let me know in the comment.

Framework Next.js Hugo
Programming Language JavaScript/TypeScript. You need to be able to code in JavaScript or TypeScript. Go. Trust me, even though Hugo is written in Go, you don't have to code in Go to use it.
Prerequisite React. Next.js is an extension of React for static websites and server-side. Basic web development skills with Go Template. Reference;
Build Speed. On the same computer running development, I have 2 articles on Next.js and about 100 articles on Hugo. Fast. 50-130 ms. Extremely Fast. Below or equal to 10 ms.
Server-Side Available. It can be Client-Side and even a Back-End because it can generate JSON REST API. Not Available. It is static site generator only.
Client-Side Navigation. A beautiful experience when navigating pages powered by JavaScript. Available. Not Available.
AMP Support Available. Available.
Related Content Not Available. Require custom code. Available.
Syntax Highlighting Not Available. Require third party. Available.
Deploy with a web server Not Available. Require NodeJS. It needs a reverse proxy instead of a web server. Available.

Both of them are amazing, SEO-friendly, and easy to deploy. They have many themes available in the market too. It is just based on what you need.

Pick Next.js if you want to work with React for Static Websites or Server-Side. I like the Client-Side Navigation. That only happens on JavaScript and of course Next.js in this comparison.

Pick Hugo if you only focus on your content. I like the Related Content from Hugo. It is just built-in available.

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