Google Cloud Summit

I was so excited that I joined Google Cloud Summit 2018 at Jakarta, Indonesia.

Google Cloud Summit Card

This event is about Google products (of course). We could learn from many invited experts about how they solved their problems with Google products. There is a lot of foods, three topics, and awesome Keynote as an introduction. Google will launch a new region of Google Cloud Platform in Jakarta, Indonesia, and everyone is excited about it.

Google Cloud Platform Jakarta Region

One of the three topics that I joined is Modern Application and Infrastructure. So, it is just like sharing session. The experts tell about their problems and how Google products solve them. The different is, you could not ask the expert. Maybe because of the time-consuming issue.

I joined sessions with Cinema XXI, SuperSoccer, Searce, Sale Stock, BBM, and Google itself. They talked about Technology Stack, DevOps, Serverless, Machine Learning, and many more about tools and methods.

Google Cloud Products

As the AWS (Amazon Web Services) competitor, this event is to promote Google products and announce their next movement. It is officially by Google. I never hear any similar event from AWS (in Jakarta, Indonesia). Have you felt the same? Or, it is just me missing it?

The Google products that currently very excited to me are Kubernetes and TensorFlow. Lately, I study and research about Machine Learning, because my knowledge and experience about it are limited. Well, I have a strong background in Software Engineering, but not in Machine Learning. TensorFlow is one of the tools that I used.

Google Cloud Summit - Hand Drawing


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